Signs You Have Bats In Your Florida House – The Signs You Must Not Ignore!

While it is frightening to imagine sharing your Florida home space with bats, but you cannot ignore the possibility of such a scenario especially if you are living near lakes, or areas that have widespread dark corners where you find a flock of bats living and breeding. While it is not very common for the bats to invade your property but the animal does seek shelter and warm places, and if they find an open basement or a big chimney, they can make their way to your home. What makes matter worst is that bats are sneaky and know how to hide and keep out of your sight! What makes things worse is that these animals can pose potential health hazards for you and your family and if you feel that there is the possibility of having these intruders in your home you must confirm your suspicion by looking for clues. Under mentioned we discuss signs you have bats in your house and how to check for specific details

You See a Bat

Signs you have bats in your house cannot be more apparent when you see a bat flying in your home. One can imagine the frightening scenario of you walking in late night and switching the lights only to see a bat flying around looking for an escape. While you can give passage to the bat to let it out of the house, your work is just starting. While the presence of a bat in your home does not necessarily mean you have a bat infestation, but it is as big a sign as only and rather than treating this interaction with the wild animal as a one-time occurrence you should call in the experts immediately to check for bat infestation.

Keep an Eye for Bat Droppings

Bats excrete bat guano and if there is a bat infestation you can check the attic and close corners to see if there is any dark colored and pebbly accumulation that is mostly the bat droppings. This sign is an indicator of a bat infestation, and your only work is to check for the presence of the bat guano. You should not collect, check or inspect the droppings and call in experts who deal with wildlife problem you are facing in your home. The Bats discharge can be dangerous, so you have to make sure only the wildlife technicians examine the waste.

Look Out for the Oily Streaks

Bats use small holes and opening in your home to get in and move out. When the squeeze through the opening they leave oily streaks on the entrance and exit point. You should check the open passage of your house to see traces of the fatty streaks that is usually black and greasy. If you locate the streak, it is a powerful indicator that you have a bug infestation problem on hands. As adviced earlier, you should call in the wildlife experts to further investigate the streaks and advice a course of action to fix the problem and get rid of the bats. Your best bet is to let the exterminator deal with the problem as soon as you see these signs.

Bats will keep quiet if they settle in your home, but if you try to listen carefully especially at night time, you can catch the bat noise when they try to get out of your attic or are trapped and looking for a way out. These noises are evident at night, and if you keep a check on such sounds, you will surely figure out if there is a bat infestation at your home. Do not shrug off noises coming from your attic as something you imagine as bats in your house will make such noises that you have to carefully listen and understand to find out whether you have an infestation or not.

Following some of these signs, you can confirm the presence of bats in Florida and in your house and take action before the infestation spreads.