What are the benefits of solar tower lights?

You might think that solar tower lights are only appropriate in situations where there is a lack of power coming from the grid. As a backup electricity option, a solar tower light is an incredible option, but there is more to them that just as an emergency backup. Instead, there are several benefits to solar tower lights that should make them an attractive proposition for several industries and uses. In most cases, solar tower lighting offers a smarter, cost-effective option when comparing with traditional lighting options.

Key solar tower lighting benefits

There are a few key benefits that make solar tower lights a much more attractive hire option than a traditional diesel-powered lighting tower. Whether you are looking for lighting for a building, warehouse, factory, or outdoor construction site – as a one-off support light or a permanent fixture on site, a solar option is perfect.

Cost-effective lighting solution

Compared with diesel lighting options, a solar lighting tower is a much more cost-effective solution. Although the costs may look cheaper on paper, at least to begin with, when looking at diesel, the cost of running diesel towers can quickly become expensive. This is especially the case now when we are in a position of global energy prices skyrocketing. Once a solar power unit is set up, and the solar battery incorporated, you are good to go. The energy you need to power the tower light is created from the sun, a renewable energy source that doesn’t cost you much at all in the long-term.

Simple to run

This simple process to allow it to run means that you have no running costs to worry about, whereas you do have running costs, maintenance, and re-fuelling to consider with a diesel-powered lighting tower. If a tower only runs for so long with traditional power, you must consider the manual labour time and costs to re-fuelling every day, or however long it takes to run out of juice. If your site is open 24-hours-a-day and you need the lights on continuously, solar power could be the perfect answer, storing up energy to be used at night. 

Low maintenance

The maintenance on solar lighting towers is low too. Regular maintenance is a requirement on traditional lighting towers due to the motors used and the upkeep with any diesel engine. Once you’ve set up a solar tower, you can leave it running and only check in now and then to ensure everything is running smoothly.

No emissions

This is the big one of course. Using a renewable energy source, such as solar power, ensures that your carbon footprint is dramatically reduced. No chemical emissions are released as a solar tower runs, which cannot be said about lighting that is powered by traditional fossil fuels. There is no greater incentive to switching to a solar power tower light if you are in the market for a new one.

Quiet to run

A diesel-powered lighting tower will need the motor running for it to function, this can be incredibly noisy. In certain types of workplaces, and especially on outdoor sites where 24-hours of lighting is needed for security factors in busy residential areas, a solar tower light is the quiet alternative that can make a real difference. 

Find the right solar tower solution

Working with a hire company that understands your lighting needs and can provide you with the perfect solar tower solution is the right approach to take. A mobile solar tower light that offers a 100% renewable energy source for your needs. The idea with modern solar lighting towers is that they can help power your lighting needs, even in winter. A high efficiency, clean light source with high levels of illumination from maximum solar power creation. With no emissions, a quiet process to run, and powerful illumination, there is no reason at all to look at traditional lighting needs that use diesel power. Solar lighting is the way forward within every industry, and with the right hire company you can make the correct choice for your specific site needs.