How to Keep Microscopic Creatures and Rodents Out

Homeowners are interested in learning how to keep out rodents and other small pests. There are several methods for doing this, and each has advantages and disadvantages of its own. This article will discuss some of the most widely used pest-control strategies and offer advice for homeowners on how to make their homes less inviting to rats.

Configure Mesh Screens

Installing metal mesh screens over your windows and doors is one preventative precaution you may take if you have rodents in your home. Rodents will have a hard time getting past the physical barrier that results from this. Make sure the mesh is so tiny that no rodent, no matter how small, can squeeze through. Verify that the mesh is securely secured and that there are no gaps or holes that rodents could use as access points.

Menthol and Mothballs

The use of simple household goods like mothballs and peppermint oil can discourage rodents. When positioned around the exterior of your property, these devices can aid in rodent prevention. Mice detest the strong stench of mothballs, while they despise the strong odor of peppermint oil. Rodents won’t enter your house because of either of these smells. Using mothballs and peppermint oil around kids and animals is also acceptable. They can be an excellent deterrent for rats if applied correctly.

Your Food Should Be Kept Cold

Rodents can contaminate any food that is not airtightly sealed in a container. Although these pests are typically found in dirty environments, they will also find their way into clean homes in quest of food. As long as there is food available after they have located a food source, they will come back. Rodents can contaminate food and spread sickness. Surfaces can readily become infected by their saliva, urine, or feces, which can lead to diseases like Salmonella or Hantavirus. As a result, it’s essential to store all food in airtight containers to keep rats out.

Change Any Worn Weatherstripping

Every home needs weatherstripping, but those with a mouse issue require it more than others. Mice and rats are able to squeeze through very narrow openings and can enter your home through even the smallest crack or opening. By replacing worn-out weatherstripping, you may help close up those gaps and holes, making it much more challenging for rodents to enter. By reducing drafts, weatherstripping also keeps your home more energy-efficient. Not only will you prevent rats from entering your home, but you’ll also spend less on utility costs. It’s a win-win scenario!

Remove Spilled Pet Food and Bird Seed

Rodents are drawn to pet food bowls and bird feeders in search of a quick meal. However, leftover food can draw pest species like raccoons, skunks, and opossums in addition to rodents. In order to prevent luring opportunistic guests into your yard, immediately clean up any spilled pet food or birdseed. Additionally, precautions can be made, such as buying a robust rodent-repellent bird feeder or bringing your pet’s food bowl indoors.

These techniques can aid in preventing rodents from entering your home, but if you already have an infestation, don’t hesitate to contact Bay Area Rodent Solutions for professional rodent control in Campbell, CA. We have the knowledge and expertise to get rid of any rodent infestation quickly and effectively.