What is Marmorino

Marmorino is a new type of office building that preserves the structure of the original buildings by using the same materials to rebuild them. It has been maturing over time thanks to its large windows, giant loggias and big spaces. The materials used in new marmorino’s are concrete, steel, marble and glass. These simple and strong materials were used to build a modern alternative to the classical buildings.

Marmorino is a reflection of the culture that has grown in the area in recent years. The biggest change is its materialization: the wall becomes a piece of art, with high-tech systems buried behind it. The result is a refined aesthetic that makes reference to both tradition and innovation.

Marmorino is a color scheme for Emacs. It was originally inspired by the web color scheme Solarized and is available for GNU Emacs 24 and later versions.

Marmorino is:

* A color theme for Emacs

* Based on Solarized, but supports a wider range of terminal colors

* Easy to use

* Lightweight, it does not have any additional dependencies

Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite. Marble is a sedimentary rock, formed from the compression of limestone layers or from the chemical precipitation of calcite or dolomite.

Marble is used for architectural sculpture and as a building material. This use tends to be more common in traditional or classical styles of architecture. In modern buildings, marble is often used as a construction material but also for finishing touches, such as this example at the entrance of St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

‘Marmorino’ is one of the most popular brands of marble. The name derives from the Italian word for ‘marble’: in fact, it means ‘little marble’. It is a stone that is easy to recognize and its characteristics have made it an ideal material for many applications over the centuries.

The beauty of this product makes it suitable for a wide range of uses. You can find marmorino in the most diverse settings: in entrance halls and staircases, as well as in kitchens or bathrooms. The presence of an aesthetic layer on its surface also makes marmorino a perfect choice for outdoor applications such as pavements, sidewalks and facades with very little care required

Marmorino is exceptionally versatile, making it an ideal choice when creating unique designs with your interior designer.