What Homeowners Need to Know About SEER Ratings

When the time comes to invest in a new home heating system or replace an aging air conditioning unit, the discussion will ultimately turn to what is known as a SEER rating. Understanding what this rating means, how it’s determined, and what an attractive rating means for the future is something every homeowner should explore. Here is some information that will help you get started.

What is a SEER Rating?

SEER is short for the seasonal energy efficiency ratio. Basically, it’s a way of measuring the way that the heating or cooling unit utilizes energy in order to produce the desired result. A system with a superior SEER rating will require less energy to keep the home at a specified temperature while a unit with a less attractive rating will consume more energy to produce the same result.

How is the Rating Calculated?

While the terminology may differ slightly, the general process calls for identifying the average heating or cooling output related to the season. That output is divided by the energy input related to that same season. The figure that results makes it easy to determine if the system consumes an unreasonable amount of energy, or if the consumption is acceptable and will place less of a financial burden on the household budget.

Accurately interpreting a rating is not as difficult as many people believe. The team at Simply Green Home Services help clients identify the rating and then provide some context in terms of how that rating compares to other systems on the market.

Why Bother With the Rating at All?

The goal of installing any type of heating or cooling system is to keep the temperature indoors at a comfortable level. While there are people who are well off enough that they don’t have to be concerned with the amount they pay for utility costs, most homeowners prefer to keep their costs as low as possible. That allows them to allocate more of their income to other important things like food, clothing, and savings.

Choosing to identify the SEER rating as part of the selection process does make it possible to invest in a more energy efficient unit. While the initial expense for purchase may be more than other systems, the money saved on energy costs offset that expense and eventually save the customer money.

Just as Important as Features

Given the fact that new heating and cooling systems do constitute a major investment, the SEER rating should be given just as much consideration as the features offered by the unit. As many Simply Green reviews will attest, working with a professional to find the ideal balance between features and energy efficiency is in the best interests of the homeowner. Doing so makes it possible to invest in a unit that serves the family well and still requires less energy to produce the desired result.

Take the time to learn more about SEER ratings and why they matter. With the right choice, you may soon be writing your own Simply Green review about how happy you are with the performance and energy efficiency of your new unit.