Learn About Metal Screen Design

Zahner’s collaborative method is adapted to the unique needs of each project. We consult directly with owners, designers, and builders to identify which surface material provides the most value, participating in open communication and sharing our knowledge and skills.

When analyzing a material, we examine its current performance, future performance, and environmental impact. We will be delighted to evaluate your design thoughts and share our ideas and experience with you, enabling you to create something truly remarkable. Check out Zahner for the greatest metal screen designs.

What Is Metal Screen Design?

Metal screen design is a style of artwork in which steel or other metals are used to produce complicated and intriguing sculptures. These patterns might range from current abstract forms to ancient themes, and vice versa. These types of screens are typically found in gardens and are tightly woven together to form an enclosure for the protection of plants and wildlife.

Skilled artists shape the metal sheets, forge the necessary designs, and colorize the final product to provide dimension and texture. This collaborative process produced metal screens. Nature-inspired landscapes or locations may be transformed into one-of-a-kind works of art thanks to the beauty of metal screening, which can be utilized to give every area a particular personality.

Advantages of Metal Screen Design

A metal screen’s design may provide multiple benefits when employed in a variety of settings. It is appropriate for usage in a variety of situations, including those with exceptionally high temperatures or harsh weather conditions, because it is often substantially more durable than other choices. As a result, it is an extremely adaptable material. Metal screen designs offer a better strength-to-weight ratio than traditional materials, making them lighter and more durable.

Metal screening can aid in cooling by enabling proper airflow and decreasing stored heat. Metal screens may be more expensive at initially owing to material costs, but they have the ability to endure far longer and require less care over time, making the original investment worthwhile. Zahner is here to help you with the right metal screen designs.

Zahner’s Design Assist Team Has You Covered

We must review the designs and create proposals depending on how they are drawn. We widen our perspectives in order to address design problems elegantly and practically. Our objective is to create recommendations that are both thoughtful and well-informed; as a consequence, they routinely reduce construction time by several weeks and save millions of dollars. The Design Assist team, also known as the Zahner Assist team, is in charge of producing system requirements, project budgets, and engineering specifications. These components create a broad structure that the construction crew may readily follow throughout manufacture and installation.

Choose Zahner for Metal Screen Design!

Every Zahner design project benefits from our unique combination of experience in architecture, engineering, technology, metallurgy, and manufacturing, allowing us to provide a knowledge layer that fills important knowledge gaps. We offer value to the Design Assist phase of the process by facilitating communication and collaboration among owners, contractors, architects, and fabricators to ensure the project’s success. Visit Zahner for more information about metal screens.